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Baby turtles

Six out of seven species of sea turtles around the world are endangered or threatened due to poaching, getting caught in fishing gear, plastic pollution, and many other reasons. We support important turtle nesting beaches around the world where human activities such as egg consumption threaten sea turtle populations. We are committed to stopping the decline of sea turtles and work for the recovery of the species. We work to secure environments in which both turtles and the people that depend upon them can survive.


Eastern Quoll

The eastern quoll was once found across much of the southeast mainland of Australia, from the eastern coasts of South Australia, through most of Victoria, to the north coast of New South Wales. They became extinct on the mainland around 50 years ago but remain relatively widespread in Tasmania.


Javan Rhino

Javan rhinos are the most threatened of the five rhino species, with only around 60 individuals that live only in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. Javan rhinos once lived throughout northeast India and Southeast Asia. Vietnam’s last Javan rhino was poached in 2010.As a result they have been classed as critically endangered. Our organsiation is working to establish a second population of Javan rhinos.

Spotted-tailed quoll also known as a tiger quoll on a log © Craig - stock.adobe.com


Australian animal collection

In photos: Australian wildlife species that call the Unburnt Six home

Inside Australia’s diversity-rich forest landscapes, you can find some of the world’s most spectacular wildlife species... meet the species of the Unb ...


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